Getting visited by an archangel
Hi guys, so, just gonna share a recent encounter I had with yes…an archangel. Crazy right?
So this happened maybe a week ago? I was talking to someone on video chat (and this is someone I met through social media).
And it’s funny because the first time we talked in person, I noticed that his energy kind of hung around me for about 24 hours after.
So that was kinda interesting…
And the second time we talked, I noticed again that I felt his energy around me, which wasn’t really a surprise…
(If you are someone who can sense spirits around you, you will understand this…it’s hard to describe in words, but you just…feel someone around you basically).
And then that night, I still felt the energy around me. It felt “light” and kinda “uplifting” if I were to describe it.
I went to sleep and then woke up around 2am and when I woke up I felt a very strong presence. It was like that original energy times 10.
I heard the words “I found you, I found you” right away and whoever was saying it seemed sincerely excited, like they “finally” found me.
I then felt an energy kinda floating through me. It felt light and was extremely peaceful and calm.
The energy had a “royal blue” feeling to it. I knew this being was blue for some reason.
As always, whenever inter-dimensional beings come to me, I ask “who are you, where are you from, I need details!!”
The being kept saying “butterflies, butterflies, butterflies” and I already knew that butterflies on the 3D plane are said to represent the energy of angels 🦋.
And I said “what do you mean by butterflies?” and then they said something like “you’ll know in time”.
I’ll add that the words I was hearing from this being were CRYSTAL clear.
I could hear like 2 sentences in a row, no muffling. It was impeccable sound quality actually.
(A lot of the time when I hear from ghosts or earthbound spirits, it will be muffled and piece-y, but this was like…every word was perfect.)
So the energy went through me and then after that I felt like super super peaceful and light. The next day, I felt lighter and clearer in my chest (and I still feel it as I write this).
The second visit:
And then the NEXT night I was brushing my teeth and felt a presence behind me in the bathroom. It was the same peaceful, calming presence as before. It also felt very “big” like twice my size. I felt It standing behind me and I just knew it was there!
And then…a few days later, it showed up again when I woke up in the middle of the night.
It came to me and literally said it wanted to do “the same treatment again” and I said, “why”?
And it said ‘to clear the trauma that was trapped in my body from the car accident I was in as a teenager”.
And you should know…I’m not like a starry-eyed, love & light kind of spiritual person. I am ALWAYS questioning things. Sometimes to my detriment.
So I said, “I don’t want to do it, I need more information on who you are”.
And I could feel that calming energy kinda circle around my head, maybe trying to calm me down I guess, but then they eventually left.
And after doing some research and asking around on social media, I gathered that this could have been who we call “Archangel Michael”, who is known to be blue (and this was the color that I saw this being as, like a royal blue).
I also see that people tend to depict him as blue (and I seriously did not know about the different colors of angels before this, I don’t really research this stuff honestly, I just have things happen to me then research after)
The butterflies also pointed to angel for me, this is something angel reader “Taylor Paige” always talks about, how butterflies are like the 3D representation of angels here on earth.
I also got that this being is connected to “lions” because I actually physically saw imprints of lion heads during the first encounter. So…yeah…there’s that.
Some depictions of “Archangel Michael” in art:
In this painting, there is reference to lions…which I saw during the first…”session” 🤔:
(Second half is for paid members!)
***(If you’re interested in booking a personal psychic reading with me, here’s the link to my shop)